Download Lumion 5 - 3D simulation software for various environments and buildings
Downloading Lumun 5 and using it can be very useful for architects, planners and urban designers. Lumion is a powerful application for real-time 3D architecture imagery. It is also suitable for making movies or 3D images of an environment, with the ability to quickly rotate and interpret the entire environment. In this way, project managers can save money in cost, time and doing things. Simply put, this software is a simple solution to bring your work out of a developing set by creating video and 3D interpretations, so imagine yourself completely in the simulated environment.
Lumion software features:
- Has a huge collection of pre-designed objects in high quality materials such as wooden floors, brick walls and ...
- Real-time 3D models
- It contains a collection of moving objects and animations, such as humans and moving cars, furniture, items in the nature and ...
- Output HD output
- Possibility to apply special effects and filters on the film
- Direct upload of final output
- Set the output quality
- Supports DAE, FBX, MAX, 3DS, OBJ, DWG, DXF formats on 3D models.
- Support for most common image formats including TGA, DDS, PSD, JPG, BMP, HDR and PNG.
- The ability to import output files from programs such as AutoDesk® 3D Studio Max
- Imagine the scenes of the surroundings and the climate
Download Lumion 5:
- 64-bit version size: 5.9GB
- Manufacturer: from Act-3D BV
- File password: arch-projects.com (type the password)
- Download Part 1
- Download Part 2
- Download Part 3
- Download Part 4
- Download Part 5
- Download Part 6